
If you are interested in becoming a member of the MCHM, choose your membership level and send you check to:


PO Box 929

Stanton TX 79782.

Make checks payable to Martin County Historical Museum (MCHM,) and your membership will be acknowledged on our supporters page, and you will receive our monthly newletter.


Student: $5.00

Individual/Family: $25.00

Supporter: $50.00

Sponsor: $100.00

Patron: $500.00

Benefactor: $1000.00

Corp/Humanitatian $2500.00+

Friends of the Museum FOTM

We are always in need of volunteers to help with special events, setting up new exhibits, tours, and sometimes, strong backs to help move some of the heavier items in the museum. If you feel like you could help us out, please fill out the form and we will use your information only to let you know when you can help. This is a volunteer program, you do not have to be a member to help us, but we do encourage everyone to become a member if you have not.